Extremely Quick Growing
Narrow Leaf Buffalo is an Australian bred fine textured grass. As one of the most shade tolerant grasses, it is an extremely soft but less spongy turf. Having a deep blue-green colour, even in winter, it comes into its own in spring. Narrow Leaf Buffalo has great wear tolerance and is well-suited to family yards as it grows and recovers quickly too. However, we recommend extra water in extremely high traffic locations. Its rapid growth means it can out-compete most weeds as well and with less seed heads, it’s ideal for those with allergies. Having a deep root system increases grass’ drought tolerance and would usually only require extra water during summer. Salt tolerance is also excellent which makes it ideal for Australian conditions. We strongly recommend Narrow Leaf Buffalo for all commercial and domestic lawns due to its low maintenance and great appearance.
Great shade tolerance
Handles drought well
Extremely fast growing
Very soft grass